Parent Resources

We want your student to succeed in academics and beyond. There are many campus resources to assist them with academics, time management, or simply transitioning to studying away from home.

We hope that your student will take advantage of all the services available to get the most out of their experience at Rivier. You can encourage them to schedule an appointment anytime support is needed.

Support is Here!

Our office is here to help you connect with your student. Here are a few things you can do to support them too:

  • Become knowledgeable about Rivier programs, resources, degree requirements, policies and procedures
  • Maintain an open and regular line of communication
  • Ask your student questions related to their personal well-being and social adjustment, in addition to academics
  • Discuss expectations regarding money, grades, studies, contact, work, relationships, and life skills
  • Encourage your student to seek out campus resources and ask for help
  • Encourage your student to do things they can do for themselves
  • Allow them to make mistakes in this safe environment
  • Recognize that college is an important step in the process of your student realizing their autonomy

What You Need to Know about FERPA

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, The Buckley Amendment of 1974 (FERPA) allows students the right to privacy regarding records. A student can restrict the access of their information by an institution of higher education to control outside access to their educational records, including requests for information from their parents or other family members.

At registration time, students are given the opportunity to restrict the release of any or all directory information. Forms to restrict access are available in the Office of the Registrar. Without a student’s written consent, Rivier University may not disclose information from student’s educational records to outside third parties except as provided under FERPA and the Rivier University Directory of Information Policy.

Rivier University deems all students who have been accepted and have paid a deposit as “Students of Rivier University” and they are therefore protected under all the rights and protections of the Federal Rights and Privacy Act.

To allow parents or other specified third parties to have access to educational records, students will need to sign a Student Waiver Statement form with the Registrar’s Office at the beginning of the fall semester. This form enables your student to authorize Rivier University to discuss their educational records with specific designated person(s) if they request them for their entire academic study at Rivier. If your student does authorize you to access their educational record, we will then be able to discuss academic issues, such as grades, attendance and academic performance, when we are contacted directly.

We encourage parents to discuss FERPA and the Student Waiver Statement form with your student so that they can make an informed decision as to whether or not to allow specified third parties to have access to their educational records.

Failure to sign this waiver will only allow the Academic and Career Advising Office to discuss with you general information regarding academic policies and procedures. We will not be able to discuss anything specific about your student’s academic progress or performance.


Office of Academic Advising