Job Fair Tips

Preparation ahead of the fair and timely follow-up will position you for success.

Before the Fair

Target Employers

Target employers that you’d like to meet with face-to-face, and check their websites for information on their products, services, and employment needs.

Prepare a Great Resume

Check out our Resume Checklist.

Practice Your Presentation Skills

You will want to demonstrate your knowledge of the organization(s) you’ve researched. Prepare a one minute commercial of yourself, describing your major, the college you attend, the year you’re in, related coursework (GPA), career interests, related activities and experience, and the type of position you are seeking. Be able to relate your background and future goals to the organization’s needs.

Prepare Questions to Ask Recruiters

Inquire about the recruiter’s name and position within the organization. Ask pertinent questions such as:

  • What are you looking for in new hires?
  • Do you offer a formal training program?
  • What are the key skills and experiences that you seek from applicants?
  • How would I find out more about entry-level positions your organization?
  • What is the nature of the job market in this field?
  • I’m interested in pursuing a summer job or internship in the field of ______. What types of assignments does your organization give to summer employees or interns?

On the Day of the Fair

Choose Your Clothes Wisely

Dress conservatively and professionally as you would for a job interview. Positive first impressions are critical. Avoid excessive jewelry and cologne.

Introduce Yourself

Introduce yourself to employers with confidence, good eye contact, a firm handshake, and a smile. Present your background information and prepared questions as mentioned previously.

Bring Your Resume

Bring multiple copies of your resume to distribute to those organizations that interest you. Ask about application procedures and request a business card from each company representative of interest. Obtain other contact names within the organization if their work functions are more relevant to the opportunities you’re seeking. Inquire about informational interviews with the rep or other organizational contacts who may be willing to speak to you about the careers you’re exploring after the fair. See our online Networking Guide.

Ask for a copy of company literature to further research an organization.

Take brief notes after each meeting regarding impressions about the employer, your job or internship prospects, follow-up strategies, etc.

After the Fair

Follow-Up is Crucial

Recruiters are impressed with those who follow-up! You will stand out if you do, because many of the students who attend job fairs fail to do so. Even if you’re not particularly interested in a company at this time, the contact and impression that you make may be beneficial in your future, as new jobs become available. Remember too, that recruiters change jobs as well and may in time represent an organization that you are interested in joining.

Remember the Thank You Note

Send a brief thank you note, either by email or a hand-written note, in a timely manner to individual representatives reiterating your special interest in their organization and the positions you had discussed. You may include a resume and/or clarify answers to specific questions asked during the fair.


Office of Career and Life Success