Sr. Madeleine of Jesus, p.m.


In Memoriam: Sister Marie-Madeleine of Jesus, 1883-1965

“She was a woman upright, outright; her will was bent at God”.

It is unfortunate that few of us at Rivier ever knew Sister Madeleine of Jesus. Her death brought the realization, however brief, that someone’s personal dream, the dream of a woman of vitality, of warmth and tremendous foresight who was idealistic enough to envision a college where there was none, and forceful enough to nurture it into existence.

It was one of those Christian paradoxes, to which she was also so dedicated that she should have to leave “her own Rivier” as a result of the amount of work and pressure which the beginnings of it entailed.

Her illness, from the time of her leaving to the event of her death, was a true example of the death to self which is God’s greatest glory in any endeavor.

That we should have known so little of her then, is in a certain sense the best that we could have chosen to give her. An added cross. An added source of joy.

Words of Wisdom

Quoted by Sister Marie-Madeleine of Jesus, p.m. to the Rivier Students 1933-1946

“Worthy ideals will become the possession of the pupil largely through the silent operation of inspiring example on the part of teachers whose own lives are regulated by these ideals.”

“True education is self-education.  No self-development without self-denial.”

“There is no road to peace and contentment which is not characterized by self-discipline.”

“There is one field in which the religious need put no limit to his vaulting ambition, namely the spiritual life through PRAYER.”

“Breadth of knowledge is obtained at the expense of independent individual training in finding facts, sifting them, and drawing accurate conclusions.”

“Religion is the natural sublimatum of human desires, always possible and always effective, no matter how great the calamities
that confront us.”

“The philosophy of a man’s life is the supreme purpose which actuates him in living, and the means which he uses in his efforts to achieve that purpose.”

“Let us cling to Christ and there will always be music in our souls.”

“God helps those who help themselves.”

“Let’s trust ALL to the Heart of Jesus–perfect confidence in Him as a wonder-worker.”