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Students on the Front Lines | Lindsey Sallese

Lindsey Lasalle, Interim Director of Medical Surgical Nursing at Lahey Hospital & Medical Center, leads an exceptional team of frontline nurses.

Even in the face of adversity, Lindsey Sallese, nurse leader and Rivier MBA in Healthcare Administration student, finds reasons to smile. She and her team of nurses are models of true leadership and teamwork as they battle the COVID-19 outbreak with grace and determination.

“I ensure our nurses are supported and are given the tools to they need to succeed. I’ve helped to operationalize patient surge areas that typically do not house inpatients to accommodate the influx of COVID patients.”

Despite or due to the challenges presented, the nursing team has a newfound esprit de corps. “This pandemic has brought the nursing team together in ways I never thought were imaginable. I am proud to be part of this team and to watch the nurses rise to the occasion with compassion, dedication, and excellence. It is truly remarkable to witness.”
More than their dedication to each other, Lindsey’s and her team’s devotion to their patients is inspiring. “I want to reassure people whose family members might be admitted that nurses are going above and beyond to ensure that patients are not alone. We’re holding hands and providing support not just treatment.”

Our thanks to you and your team, Lindsey, for your extraordinary efforts during this difficult time.