Russell Norris, M.S.
Russ Norris is a retired Marine Corps Officer with 30 years of experience in global security operations. He is also Program Director for our Security Studies Programs: Homeland Security & Emergency Management and Cybersecurity Management. Prior to joining Rivier, he was a Strategic Planner and Senior Analyst at Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps Forces – Central Command (HQ-USMARCENT) where he designed and executed Joint, Interagency, and Multinational exercises and key leader engagements. His previous assignment was as the Arabian Peninsula Branch Chief, U.S. Central Command (HQ-USCENTCOM), J7.
He earned his B.A. in Government and International Studies (GINT) from the University of South Carolina and an M.S. in Joint Special Operations from the U.S. Air University, Command and Staff College. Professor Norris is an interagency professional having graduated from the Department of Homeland Security’s Master Exercise Practitioner program, the USAid Joint Humanitarian Operations program, and advanced coursework across other government agencies. He holds a Top Secret security clearance and is engaged globally to bring current, real-world events into the Rivier University Homeland and International Security (HLIS) and Cybersecurity Management programs.
- M.S., U.S. Air University, Command and Staff College
- B.A., University of South Carolina
- International Security Cooperation
- Cyber Domain Operations
- Geopolitical/ Multicultural Competencies
- Emergency / Crisis Management
- Strategic Planning
Courses Taught
- CYM 171 – Introduction to Cybersecurity
- HLS 101 – U.S. Homeland Security
- HLS 201 – Evolution of Terrorism
- HLS 214 – Internship Seminar
- HLS 217 – Multicultural Competence A (Area Studies)
- HLS 218 – Multicultural Competence B (Area Studies)
- HLS 231 – Critical Infrastructure Protection
- HLS 300 – Emergency Management
- HLS 311 – Strategic Geography
- HLS 320 – Strategic Intelligence
- HLS 330 – Non-Governmental Organizations
- HLS 401 – Global Security
- HLS 491 – Post Disaster Response and Recovery
- HLS 495 – Internship/Seminar